Recently there has been a great deal of the prophetic, and massive expectation that God is about to act in significant, miraculous and magnificent way, imminently, here in the UK.
I am expectant and filled with excitement at the prospect.
I am reminded of the parable of the “Ten Virgins” (Matthew 25:1-13). Ten Virgins took their lamps to meet the Bridegroom, 5 of them did not take any extra oil and the Bridegroom was a long time in arriving. The 5 Virgins without the extra oil ran out, and asked the 5 with extra oil for some. But they replied “no, we do not know how long the Bridegroom will be, go to the shops and buy some”. So the 5 unprepared Virgins went off to the shops to buy oil.
Whilst they were gone the Bridegroom arrived, and everyone went into the wedding feast and the doors were shut. So when the 5 unprepared Virgins returned, they could not get in. So they knocked on the door and said “let us in”, but the Bridegroom replied “I tell you the truth, I do not know you.”
So my question to you is, have YOU brought along enough oil? Is YOUR lamp trimmed and ready? The Bridegroom may or may not be approaching. But God is up to something, and it will be significant, and He does not repeat himself. Again I say are you Ready?