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About James
Video Blogs
The parables
The Lost (prodigal) son
Why did Jesus have to die
Why is suffering Allowed
Thoughts on God
The Gospel
The foolishness of faith
God is Faithfully
My Beliefs
Why does God allow suffering
God Chose Me
Gods Invisible Qualities – Part Deux
Gods Invisible Qualities
God wants me to be with him
Why do I Love my Dog Holly
Thoughts of a Redeemed Man
About James
Video Blogs
The parables
The Lost (prodigal) son
Why did Jesus have to die
Why is suffering Allowed
Thoughts on God
The Gospel
The foolishness of faith
God is Faithfully
My Beliefs
Why does God allow suffering
God Chose Me
Gods Invisible Qualities – Part Deux
Gods Invisible Qualities
God wants me to be with him
Why do I Love my Dog Holly
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The Gospel
A short video of the Good News. Why Jesus had to die for me.