John 14:1-4
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
John 1:12-13
I have been writing a lot about death recently, in January I lost my 89 year old Father, and in May, not only did I loose my 87 year old Mother, but also my Sister-in-Law who was in her early 60’s. I can remember, what seemed like only a few years ago, constantly going to weddings of Friends and Family, but that season seems to have passed, to be replaced with a season of funerals and thanks giving services. Though this is a natural effect of growing older; it still has made me reflect on my own mortality
So I am sad about losing some of my family? Yes of course I am, I miss all of them, because I loved them all and they are no more. But also I can rejoice, because the above passage refers to “All who believed in his name”. Certainly I knew my Sister-in-Law did, so I can take comfort knowing she is now occupying the room that Jesus went ahead to prepared for her.
Romans 6:8-11
She has died with Christ, so she is now living with him seated at the right hand of God in paradise, eating from the tree of life (Revelation 2:7). So am I afraid of death? May be just a little because I am afraid of pain, but mostly, no I am not afraid. I believe in the righteousness that Christ gave me when He died, and I know He rose from death to go and prepare a room for me in our Fathers’ house. Where I too can live in “God’s Paradise” eating from the tree of life.
Am I looking forward to my Death? Well, yes, why not! I get to spend eternity in paradise where there will be no more mourning, crying or pain (Rev 21:4). I get to be with God in a very personal relationship for all eternity. I get to be loved and rewarded far beyond that which I can possibly even conceive (1 Corinthians 2:9). So don’t be sad for me, when the time comes for me to go to sleep (Matthew 5:12) because, owing to Jesus, I AM BORN OF GOD AND THEREFORE WILL GET TO LIVE WITH GOD.