For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

If you have read my last blog The Worthless Servant. you may have picked up that I am very seriously depressed and think very unhelpful thoughts. I asked the question whats the point, what ever I do in this life I have a place at the right hand of God with Jesus, because of Jesus. I hate my earthly life so why can’t I go to be with Jesus now, and leave all this pain and suffering behind!
I have found no evidence in the bible that supports the Roman Catholic view that suicide is a mortal sin, that will sentence you to an eternity of “Limbo” neither in Hell nor in Heaven. But it is quite clear that ALL sin is deserving of death, so no sin is worse than any other; so suicide is just another sin, and because of Jesus’ death on the cross, it has been forgiven and I still have a room in His Father’s house.
So, again I say “What’s the point”. Well, lets try and see if I can find a biblical answer this time, starting with the Jeremiah verse above. God loves us so much, He will never harm us He only wants us to have HOPE, hope of a better future, a future at His right hand side with Jesus. I also believe that he wants to prosper us in the earthly life as well. There are so many examples, we only have to look in Hebrews 11 to see a number of FAITHFUL heroes who God prospered with, not only, a loving relationship with but great earthly wealth and long life.
And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of his glory.
Ephesians 1:13-14
Jesus came to redeem us from sin, allowing us eternal life. When he returned home to the Father he left us the Holy Spirit in His full measure. The Holy Spirit is within all of us, especially those that believe in Jesus. He guides us and is our source of strength. BUT he also gives us a foretaste of heaven so we CAN experience the joy and peace that is a part of Heaven. The joy and peace that we yearn and long for. He is the sign post, that, like my dog in the picture above, we can rely on to show us the way.
So though we stride with expectation and eagerness to reach the Glory that is Heaven (2 Corinthians 5:1-6). We can stride in confidence, that we will get there, our Journey has purpose and will be prospered. A journey filled with Hope of this great joy that we can glimpse now through the Holy Spirit who will not let us get lost on the way. So, when God plans are done, we can join Jesus at God’s right hand.
The point is, We can enjoy our earthly life, because of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit with hope and prosperity[1], And then we can eagerly look forward to being released to eternity with Jesus at the right hand of God.
[1] Prosperity may not be solely financial, but may be prosperity in spiritual gifts, as well.