“For the message of the cross is Foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are bieng saved it is the power of God”
(1 Corinthians 1:18).
Our sermon the other Sunday, was beautifully based around, you are either Justified and Made Righteous by Jesus, or you are perishing under Adam, in Sin. There is no middle ground “Shall we go on sinning so grace may increase? BY NO MEANS!“.
We live in world that has developed an the attitude, “Everyone for themselves” often at the expense othesr. How often have I heard it said “The only person that can help you is yourself!”. We live in a world that has no God except the god money. Greed is rampant, murder someone that’s bad, but steal money and that is a heinous crime punishable in the strongest possible terms.
Where has this got us? Banks, going bankrupt and being bailed out by us, the impoverished the tax payers. Financial institutions desperately clawing for survival, and the welfare state being dismantled.But still those who are fighting to get more from those who have not. Even in this country (England) people are going hungry, let alone the so called “Third world” were people are dying, through violence, often money is the cause, and inexcusably through starvation.
This is shameful, there is enough food for everyone. There is more than enough money for everyone to live in comfort. The god money, has cause so much greed, which causes deprivation and suffering!
Sadly there is another god that we all bow down to and worship, the god of me. The god of I am the most important thing in the universe, the god of “YOU” are here to serve me and if you don’t I will reject you. We live in a lonely world, isolation and depression is rife.
Can money love you? Can money bring you joy? Can the importance of self bring you anything but a loveless and lonely existence? This is one of the outcomes of living under “Adam”.
I DECLARE ALL OF THE ABOVE TO BE A LIE, we are being deceived by very clever enemy, the king of lies, Satan. There is a better way, the right way; to live under Jesus. Jesus came to teach us the love of God and the best way of living. Then He, the only perfect man, died in my place, being punished for my wrong doings, leaving me covered in his perfection, so that I can now come into the presence of God. God raised him from death so we are assured that we will live for all eternity with Jesus at the right hand of God, filled with joy.
You know what, he did this at NO COST to us, it is a free gift, all you have to do is believe Jesus, the son of God, died for YOU. You don’t have do anything, you don’t need to pay anything, you don’t have to achieve anything. God’s love and redemption is for EVERYONE. How foolish is that? Giving such treasure away for free. In fact He is so foolish he even gives every spiritual blessing to help, He wants you to win, whoever you are, no matter how dirty you feel!
Wow! But it gets even more foolish. Just because you believe this, God will fill you with his love, The holy Spirit, to advise and guide you and give you strength, he will help change your life. The is no action required, but because you now have seen the love of God, you will see how can I not change and how can I not love as God loves.
Go on give it a try I dare you, tell God you are sorry, and He will show the way from there.
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