Why do I Love my Dog,
When she steals my lunch time apple from my dozing hand?
It’s those big brown eyes that say “I love you daddy”.
Why do I love my Dog,
When she sits on my lap and burps in my face?
It’s those big brown eyes that say “I love you daddy”.<
Why do I Love my Dog,
When she cuddles up to me on the sofa and assaults my nose with noxious flatulence?
It’s those big brown eyes that say “I love you daddy”
Why do I Love my Dog,
When she raids my bin, and eats my used tissues?
It’s those big brown eyes that say “I love you daddy”.
Why do I Love my Dog,
When she follows the horses through the woods and eats their “Apples”?
It’s those big brown eyes and waggy tail that say “I love you daddy”.
Why do I Love my Dog,
When she wakes me at 2:00 in the morning, with her feet on my chest and paws on the window sill barking out the window at that vicious fox?
It’s those big brown eyes that say “I’ll protect you daddy”
Why do I Love my Dog,
When she wakes me at 4:00 in the morning by standing on my chest with her rubber ball in her mouth?
It’s those big brown eyes and waggy tail that say “It’s play time daddy”.
Why do I Love my Dog? – It’s those Big brown Eyes!