When I was a new Christian, everyone was talking about “grace”. I asked a wise and experience Christian, “What is ‘grace’?”. He went “um” and then thought for a while (quite a while) and came up with:-

“It’s like when the lord of the manor gives the serfs a reward even if they fail to bring the crops in”. Which I did not understand at the time. In a way, in all the years since, I have never heard a single sentence that encapsulates, so well, what I have learnt of Grace, and I am still learning.

My Biblical Dictionary defines grace as “Favour” whatever that means.

We have an almighty God, who spoke the whole universe into existence. He formed us from dust. We have a God that is Holy and Perfect and unchanging. In other words we have an all-powerful God. Though we are made in the “Image of God” we have strayed so far from that Image, all we are worthy of is death. But not in God’s eyes, he loves us so much and wants to shower us with “Favours” and life eternal, that he sent his only Son to die for us, to pay for all sin for all time so that He, God, can still have relationship with us.

So what does this mean we can carry on sinning and still have relationship with God, well yes. But if we truly understand what this means do we want to carry on sinning. “By No Means”, in my experience, once God reveals himself to us, we want to come back to being in the “Image of God”,  and so does God, who wants to help us back to righteousness. The closer we get the more we want it and the less we want to carry on sinning.

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